Marketing Management

BA (Hons)

Key facts

Start dates

January 2023 / September 2023 / January 2024 / September 2024

Course length

Full time: 3 years, or 4 if a work placement is chosen

Part time: up to 8 years




Oxford Brookes Business School


Marketing is a dynamic business function which links a business to the marketplace. Our Marketing Management degree enables you to develop an understanding of the business and marketing industries.

This course will provide you with the necessary marketing knowledge and skills to fit into any kind of organisation.

You will:

  • develop critical and analytical skills
  • gain an understanding of the evolution and direction of theoretical thinking in the marketing field
  • understand contemporary marketing theory.

This course shares a common first year with Business and Marketing Management. You can switch between these degrees at the end of your first year.

You will be able to sit the examination for the Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing Certificate in Direct and Digital Marketing.

Specific entry requirements